Friday, 18 October 2019

Hernia Mesh Settlement After Defective Surgery

Hernia mesh is used to support the weakened or damaged tissues after hernia surgery. The procedure is expected to help quicken the recovery than the existing traditional way of treatment. Unfortunately, some patients who went through hernia repair surgery suffered serious complications, which are mainly caused by the implanted surgical mesh.

Hernia meshes, like Physiomesh and C-Qur mesh, can damage the bowels, intestines, and abdomen which might then require additional (or revision) surgery.

Victims who had to or are now advised to go through a revision surgery are now filing hernia mesh lawsuit claim against manufacturers like Atrium and Ethicon. They claim that the companies designed unsafe and defective products and failed to warn the doctors and the general public about their potential complications.

What are the complications that can arise from failed hernia mesh?

If you have been implanted with hernia mesh implant, and are facing the following complications get immediate medical attention:
  • Perforated intestines or bowels
  • Puncture of other abdominal organs
  • Peritonitis
  • Abdominal wall tears
  • Intestinal fistulae       
  • Bowel obstruction or resection
  • Abscesses
  • Formatoin of sepsis
  • Lack of ingrowth of mesh
  • Adhesions of the mesh material to the bowel


If you have sustained injuries from hernia mesh side effects, you might be eligible for the following financial compensation:
  • Past and future medical expenses resulting from the injuries caused by the hernia mesh (include the cost of the revision surgery, expenses for the treatment of perforations, infections, obstructions and more)
  • Expenses for past and future pain and suffering resulting from the repetitive injuries, recurring treatment, and prolonged recovery process
  • Compensation for the loss of wages or loss of earning capacity
  • Punitive damages, if appropriate

             The main concern in the lawsuits
"Many major manufacturing companies made hernia mesh devices using materials that shrink, harden, contract and migrate resulting in nerve damage, bowel complications, and require further surgery." attorneys are seeking hernia mesh settlements and filing surgical mesh lawsuits on behalf of patients who have been injured by the potentially defective hernia mesh devices.

Some types of surgical mesh such as Johnson & Johnson/Ethicon’s Physiomesh and Atrium’s C-Qur have been pulled from the market. If your surgery involved the recalled hernia mesh devices or you are uncertain which type of surgical mesh was used and have queries about your hernia repair, can help you.

               Free evaluation at 855 – 631 -6547 or visit

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Dealing With Hernia Mesh Failure

The hernia mesh failure has been frequently reported in the news and media channels. It can be dangerous and lead to fatal consequences. The following blog is trying to shed some light on the matter.


According to the FDA, more than 800,000 patients each year undergo surgery for fixing the hernia, swelling in the abdomen caused by the displaced organs or tissues pushing through the weaker walls of the abdomen. In most cases, a mesh implant is used to provide strength to already weakened muscles, and prevent the further recurrence of the disease. However, some patients have experienced complications owing to these synthetic implants.

The hernia mesh failure symptoms could make it difficult for the victim to lead a healthy life. Usually, the life of these individuals surrounds hospital visits, appointments with the doctors, and dealing with chronic pain. 

This lifestyle can at times take a heavy toll on the patient’s emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Hernia and its treatment

As mentioned above, the hernia is the swelling caused by the organs pushing through a weaker spot in the abdomen. The patients might experience pain, and some discomfort in lifting heavy objects, while others might not show any symptoms at all.

As a standard treatment protocol, the patients are kept under constant observation. Surgery is required only if the hernia progresses to cause organ strangulation. During the procedure, the surgeon pushes back the organs to its original position and reinforces the weak muscles with the help of a polypropylene mesh. Usually, after the surgery, the patients need around 4 to 6 weeks for recovery.
Mesh failure and symptoms

During the recovery tenure, patients experience discomfort and pain that is managed with over the counter pain medication. However, if the patient is experiencing bleeding or infection like symptoms along with pain, then it could be a sign of mesh failure.

According to specialists, rejection and migration are some of the most dangerous complications caused by mesh failure. In mesh rejection, the human immune system recognizes the synthetic mesh as a foreign body and starts attracting it. The patients can develop inflation or infection like symptoms due to it.

Some of the mesh rejection symptoms include
  • Nausea 
  • Fever 
  • Tremendous pain   
  • Inflammation and redness
  • Weakness
  • Swelling

In mesh migration, the synthetic mesh dislodges from its position and migrate (move) to other parts of the body. It can lead to the development of fistula, or adhesion. The mesh migration is difficult to detect as the patients might not show signs of discomfort until the mesh causes severe damages.

The conclusion

The hernia mesh failure is a difficult situation and requires constant medical care. The hernia mesh lawsuit claim is aimed at empowering these victims and helping them in getting due compensation. Have you been affected by the implant, and are now leading a life of complete misery? Then, things are going to change. The Hernia Mesh Claims is helping patients like you in getting justice. Approach them at or call (855) 631-6547 for a FREE evaluation.